Category Winter

The Archery Cove

Check out the Archery Cove!! We are excited to offer our customers a more diverse selection of Hunting and Fishing supplies and equipment within Honey Brook Hardware.  We call it our Archery Cove!!  What we offer New and Used Cross…

Free Pickup and Delivery!!!

Need your Mower Serviced this Winter? We are currently scheduling Free Mower pickup and delivery for the Winter Season (December through January)!  Note: Once scheduled, you will receive Free Pickup and Delivery  even if we do not pickup your mower…

13 Steps to Prepare Your Home for Winter Weather

prepare your house for winter weather

Rain, ice, snow, sleet and wind can be rough on your home’s exterior and yard. Blustery winds can knock down dead tree branches, melting snow and ice can leak under loose shingles, and frozen or broken pipes can wreak havoc to indoor flooring and walls. To best protect the structure of your home and keep you warm and cozy all winter, follow these steps to prepare your house and yard before the harsh winter weather arrives.